When i boarded that enooooooormous Airbus A380 plane (Air France double deck, 550 capacity!!) from Paris i knew already that i was gonna have a great time here in Africa ... Top & comfortable 11 hour flight & impressive service... Landed in a hot & sunny Jo'burg (Johannesburg is too long to say) and went to meet Luke (a voiceover artist) & his family who host me in their beautiful house on the hills of Melville... Now this city is maaaaaassive , kinda in a LA style with many dffrnt hoods (and mainly POOR neighborhoods) so you need a car most of the time to get around, or a cab like. Also what stunned me most after my first week in Jozi (another name for the largest city of SA) and the whole Gauteng area, its how mixed it is, so many tribes within & africans comin from the countries further up north, indians / pakistani established since generations, its a proper melting pot of cultures...
Here citizens speak at least 5 or 6 dialects which is faaaaascinaaating ! And these dialects are very dffrnt from one another (i think that there's 11 official languages in SA) . Thursday Nutty & Miza (2 dope producers) drove me & my UK brother QB (who's partly responsible for hooking up some gigs here) to see my other brother Atjazz (first time in SA as well !!!) play in Pretoria , so funny to see mainly guys takin pictures instead of dancing to the music that nite but was still mad fun, as Atjazz's music here is MASSIVE (and bwoy it deseeeerves it !!). Coz you see SA is the mecca of HOUSE MUSIC, yep you heard !!! They knooooow their shhhhhh here when it comes to house... People know the tunes, the producers, the djs, the new & the old, the deep & the tribal, the vocals & the basslines, basically soulfulness is what its all about :-) QUITE AMAZIN HERE . And house is all over the radio... National radio... Shops... Taxis... Malls... EVERYWHERE pretty much.
Oh friday nite @ Jabulanis i heard some aaaaace KWAITO music dropped by Dj Dooh, which was a nice surprise for me as the crowd was dancin in sync ...
Sat nite i played in Pretoria, big outdoor venue, BBQs, supa nice crowd & sexy women dancing, hosted by JR (the owner) who is a true musical ambassador for his club. Big up Mo' the dj birthdayboy resident too !!! Nxt day sunday i got picked up by Thabo direction Soweto to play in a place called Morris Pub, which is the house church in the middle of the ghetto basically... (kinda feels strange at first to be the only white cat in these parties but everyone is so friendly so no tensions @ all) ... But it is THE place to be on the w/ends in Soweto. House music all nite(s) long, young upcoming djs & very very decent sound system. Yea i really enjoyed that one, all the djs were dope too, broken beats (or bruk like i say) went down supa well :-).
Still hangin around for a few more days then headin to Capetown ... Oh and food is fantaaaaaastic here !!!! :-) Feeling totally greatful
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