Aaaaaaaah u gotta love it really !!! Luckily im still in da US and not stuck in any european airports due 2 that volcano smoke like most of my peers, heard some crazy stories ... SO yes ! San Juan (Puerto Rico) was da bomb, tropical heaaaat and wild parties @ Redshield (damn can't believe we went in @ 10pm & went out of da club @10am da nxt day ??? last minute improvised after party was gr8 tho !!! Glad i carry that much cds when i travel deze dayz :-) ..!) ; Redshield is a brand nu club (and electronic label) started by my dear friend Juan Rojas aka Chuki aka Chuck Maurice who's a dope ass dj & who knows his music better then any1 on dis island truuuuuust !! We even had time 2 rinse a few dubstep tingz in da studio and can't wait 2 mix dem down... Big Up Rojas & every1 in San Juan who made it 2 da parties friday & sat !!!
Then flew to Atlanta (Georgia). WAAAAAAOW, what a soulful city !!!!!! Seriously im feeeeelin it 200 %. Stayed @ Karl Injex & Mona's loft and amazin times all da way... Had da honor 2 make some tunes wid Kai Alce (da Detroit legend, check ur history kids), record da sexy vocals of Rozzi Daime on some funk/boogie flavaz & vibe wid my bros Justin Chapman & Dj Kemit. Da friday nite party where Black Coffee from South Africa was playin was insaaaaane & both nites @ da MJQ club were dope too, propa dancers in da building ! That city has da spirit & a deep soul vibe, really dffrnt from all the other places i went in da US, very laidback & no attitude bullshh.. Nuff love to Karl & Mona, Mike Zarin & Chris & crew, Jeff & fam, Neil (we 4got that lunch lol), Kai, Justin & Brandi, Kemit & fam, Deborah and all you lovely ladies who know ur music... Dfntly can't wait 2 come back 2 da Hotlanta !!!! Nxt stop DETROIT.
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