Daaaaaamn Detroit can be grimm. All these empty buildings in da city & neighborhoods wid empty houses when u drive around, and u have all those factory signs from Ford, GM, Cadillac etc... pretty crazy... But but but !!! What a gr8 city too ! Nuff good people & obviously some of the best electronic & soul music comes from there... Had the pleasure to spin @ Macy's after a dope set by Josh from Exchange Bureau (check dis label), not jam packed but still a good party, even Billy Love turned up 4 a dance, supa cool :-) . Nxt day recorded a nu tune wid my friend Paul Randolph and in da evening (after a delightful meal cooked by Josh's grlfriend Kat) we went to see Carl Craig who was spinning on 12''s only (no computer or cds, just vinyl) for Lafleur's & Co. birthday bash party @ a small bar/club (cant remember da name of da place & da party soz) and that was RIDICULOUSLY GOOD , Carl smaaaashed it wid some techno & house flavours, gee what a niiiite !!!! Gr8 2 meet a lot of the Detroit folks & see familiar dj faces... Mad props to Josh, Kat, Paul K, Paul R, Billy (da papa !!), Theo, Mike Clark, Carl (where's my copy ?? lol), Kyle, Kristen ...