Aaaaah it took me a while to fully realize that i landed back in London almost 10 days ago... My head & spirit was still somewhere in Africa until now... What an fabulous trip !!
First of all, i gotta congratulate all the dancers for the 2 amazing performances of our Breaking Free Show in Kampala, both were an absolute success on every front & it made me really proud to have shared such an experience of dance, theater & music (and more) with all these talented individuals !!! We worked hard to create the full show from scratch (only in 20 days) & we became a proper family. Obviously with the help of a few others, especially for the costumes, lights & sound equipement, big up Caro. Hopefully we will soon be able to show the film for it & i really hope that the piece will come to Europe eventually. For now there's a few more shows planned in Uganda & in the countries nearby (set up by Alliance Française & Goethe Institute) this year but the ideal really would be for this adventure to carry onto the World and inspire... On a musical level it also inspired me so much as it was the my 1st time working on a show (with a choregrapher & dancers) & write with them a story, something really tangible and beautiful somehow... So yes, extremely positive experience that i'd love to renew in the future. On the last sunday before our departure (Seb Jaekwon & i) we went with the whole crew to Entebbe for a day by the lake at this beach resort (although we swam in the swimming pool nearby)... SO MUCH FUUUUUUUN !!!!!!! And well deserved too i must say :-) Next time im looking forwad to discover more of the Ugandan nature & get out more of Kampala. But for now, its 5º C outside on my balcony.
A GREAT THANK YOU & MASSIVE LOVE TO : Matthieu (Chinese Man), Caro & Semeko, Seb Jaekwon (the Don), the dancers Cathy, Remi, Fahaad, Miki, Ibra, Abdu, Hakim, Davis, Fizal (Immune Crew !!!), Ki, Abrams and his crew, Breakdance Uganda fam, Sharing Centre fam, Clotilde, Jean Jacques, Terry & Alliance Française, Marie & French Ambassy, Bettina, Goethe Institute, Mikele, Eleanore Val & Pamela (and the family), Simba, Patrick & Warehouse crew (despite the generator cuts due to the lack of kerosene in the tank... what ???), Fahaad's Family, Oscar, Ken, all the kids & all the enthusiastic youngsters i met during my stay, everyone who showed me their side of Kampala, All @ Namuli Suites, National Theatre Crew for letting me do the lights & mess around with the board... MUWULILIZE... T'WITCH KOLE !!! NJAGALLA MIREMBE, OTCHTE GUERE ..?