Pfffffffffffiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooooouuuuuuuuuuwwwww what an amaaaaaaaaazin trip ! !!!! Just got back from wonderful South Africa, last w/end was a hectic and a hot one indeed ... Ventured a bit more in the Joburg area to hunt some music down but unfrntly a lot of the SA music back catalog (like Kwaito stuff) is hard to find, its all deleted ... Luckily i still found some gems thnx to Zakes . Thursday nite went to check out my man QB Smith (check out his tune Warm Days ft Natalie Maddix), Jose Carretas & Vinny @ the Bank (supa nice club in da Rosebank area) , shame that most of the clientele was more keen to sip their champagne & show off their bling shoes then dance on the round shiny dancefloor, therefore i went for it (as Pretoria ladies Felicia & friends helped me unleash LOL) and invented some nu deep house moves :-D
Then Friday went to meet Thulani & LSG in some big television studios (MNET & Vuzu) where a lot of the music videos, shows & national TV are broadcasted from. Basically i played 90 min in front of a camera for a pre-recorded show that will be live dis friday (11-1am SA time) , involving a lovely hostess presenting & people interacting with messaging on screen basically... Evening came quick then off to Kitchener's , nice medium sized pub with a decent music backroom in the Braamfontain area, near the Universities so loads of students & young crowd, actually that was an brillant gig... Every dj smashed it & the vibe was heaaaaavin !! Had to stop @ 3am when the police came to shut da place down, shame coz we cld have gone till early mornin no doubt :-)
Yeeeeeah super open minded party that one, every one danced non stop on slow & fast tunes, Soul Kandi crew you guys smashed it !!!
Sat mornin i flew straight to Capetown. 35 degrees. Daaaamn what a beautiful place !!! On the Atlantic seaside and surrounded by old low mountains (or big hills), its got a bit of Rio De Janeiro, San Francisco & LA, bit of Miami & Marseilles (and Cote d'Azur) to it... Stunning nature all around (vines included !!) & beaches all the way, i can feel a californian pace & a quality of life that you dont come across to often... In fact Capetown could be my new favourite place to be !! Absolutely looooved every moment spent there... Thanx to my wonderful guide & friend Andile i got to visit dffrnt parts of the city in the 3 days i spent there. Played @ Voom Voom Club (after a delicious Sushi treat) saturday nite but it wasnt very busy as it was the Gay Pride w/end so loads of free parties everywhere as you can imagine... Was still nice to meet french club owner Fred Spider who's trying to bring eclectic line-ups to his club. And the guest house he put me in was the best place to stay ever, i recommend it big time (Wilton Manor in Greenpoint) !! I really could go on & on about Capetown but best is to go there and massively enjoy ... oooh i almost forgot about the WINES !!!! Even tho im french i only drink a glass of wine extremely rarely (and it has to be the finest otherwise whats the point ??) but lemme tell you... South African wine roooooooocks !
SERIOUSLY THEY KNOW... Had the most amazin fruity Sauvignon Blanc & an other organic (cant remember the name) wine that bleeeeeew my taste buds away ... Aaaaah
to tell you the truth i cant wait to go back to South Africa :-) its minus 2 here in London hahahaha 8-D
(yea da pix is very representative of last sunday spent on the beach... i miss it !)
Massive props & respect to : JR, QB, Jose, Natalie & Tasha, Martin Atjazz, Ross, Gobs, Nutty, Miza, Wireless G, Allan, Kid Fonque, Kriger, Thulani, LSG, Luke Michal, Lailah, Taylor, Cliff, Thabo & Morris Pub crew, Antoinette, Isabella, Felicia, Dina, Blaine, Andile, Linda, Fred Spider, Zaki, Shadley & Eugene, Hannah, Bradley, Kenneth, Boyza, Melanie, OP Miller, Levi, Zakes, Vinny, all the clubs / places that hosted me, Air France, all the people i met & all the dancers & music seekers, thank you so much ! 1 luv
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